1846 - 20. June
Hermann Eduard Zwetz born in Blankenhain/Thuringia
Hermann Eduard Zwetz completes his training to become a pharmacist
1876 - May 16th
Hermann Eduard Zwetz and Minna Christiana Amalie Mohrstedt (a pharmacist's daughter, born 10 Jan. 1854) marry in the church of Zörbig.
Pharmacist Zwetz and his wife assume the management of the Löwen-Apotheke (Pharmacy) in Zörbig near Halle. Up to that point, the pharmacy had been managed by the pharmacist Gustav Heinrich Mohrstedt. From 1877 until 1879, Hermann Zwetz also manages the Markt-Apotheke in his home town of Auma (15 km north of Schleiz). In Auma, he receives the resident civil right on 16. Nov. 1877.
1878 - Nov. 14th
Their daughter, Else Minna Anna is born in Zörbig
Sale of the Löwen-Apotheke in Zörbig.
The address book of the city of Schleiz registers „Vorländer and Zwetz“ under the trade classification „chemical compounds“. Acquisition of the property set to become the company's home.
1893 - March 20th
First entry in the trade register by the registration court of Schleiz (the keeping of a trade register was first started in approx. 1890 onwards).
1895 - March 1st
Member of the „Geschichts- und altertumsforschender Verein zu Schleiz“ (Society of Historical and Antique Research concerning Schleiz). In a celebratory declaration from the society dating back to 1902, a presentation by the pharmacist Zwetz on the history of pharmacy is mentioned.
In the city of Schleiz's address book, Hermann Zwetz home address (Greizer Str. 28) is registered. The company register makes mention of a „smoke agent and smouldering material factory“. Hermann Zwetz is also named as a pharmacist in the section of business and commercial tradesmen.
1919 - Dec. 24th
Karl Bayer, a pharmacist in Schleiz, becomes the company's owner
1923 - Nov. 10th
The pharmacist Hermann Zwetz dies at age 77.
In the branch register, the smoking agent factory is registered under the name of pharmacist Carl Bayer.
Elisabeth Bayer, daughter of Hermann Zwetz, is registered as the owner of the smoking agent factory in the trade register on 7 April 1949.
Mrs Bayer surrenders the company. From that time on, it functions as storage for the GHG (Wholesale Cooperative for Fruits and Vegetables) and for the KONSUM. The building slowly began to deteriorate.
1952 - May 31th
Erich Koch purchases the smoking agents factory „Apotheker Hermann Zwetz“ in Schleiz. The business re-opens in Mohorn-Grund in Niedermühle (Am Tharandter Wald 10). Packaging is still carried out in Bayer's manor in Mohorn (demolished in 1994!).
1953 - Jan. 15th
Transcription of the commercial register at the district office of Freital.
1974 - February 15th 9:00 am
A fire almost completely destroys the production hall. The production is resumed step by step in one barrack. The remainders of the main building are roofed on a provisional basis and continue to serve as a warehouse for raw materials. Building materials were practically unavailable in the former East Germany.
1978 - Sep. 5th
Matthias Koch is registered as the owner of the company in the trade register.